0Authentic recipe for lemon roast potatoes

The first time I took my future wife to Crete she fell in love with the lem­on and herb pota­toes in the oven that are so often served with lamb or pork chops. Achiev­ing an authen­t­ic taste at home has taken me many years, but des­pite the lack of a wood-fired oven, and the qual­ity of fresh ingredi­ents avail­able every­where in Crete, I have finally man­aged to find a way to recre­ate them at home

The short ver­sion is to peel and chop the pota­toes and then cov­er them with a mix of 150ml olive oil, 150ml lem­on juice, salt, pep­per, gar­lic, herbs and 1 litre of water. Seal the top of the dish with foil and cook at 190–200C for 3 — 4 hours.

The full ver­sion can be found on Open-Sauce-Recipes, one of our sister-sites

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