0Driving & vehicle rental in Crete

To see much of Crete you are likely to need a car or oth­er vehicle to get around. There are buses and tax­is on Crete but a private vehicle will be faster, more com­fort­able, and more cost effect­ive than tax­is. It is also pos­sible to take your own car, or to hire oth­er vehicles.
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0Modern new airport for Crete

Crete has a num­ber of air­ports, but the major­ity of trav­el­lers will arrive at either Chania or (more likely) Herak­lion. Herak­lion Air­port is a mixed civil­ian mil­it­ary facil­ity that is trapped between the sea, the moun­tains, and the city, leav­ing it little room to expand. It has been clear for a long time that a new air­port was needed and plans have focused on a former mil­it­ary base in the moun­tains near Kastelli.
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