Liebe Kreta Logo

Nachrichten, Geschichten, Rat, und Tipps für alle, die Zeit im schönen Kreta verbringen

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Kontaktieren Sie uns

The best way to get in touch is by pos­ting a com­ment on the rele­vant artic­le. If its useful to you, it may be useful to others.

We no lon­ger main­tain a pre­sence on social media as we don’t want to sup­port ‚wal­led gar­dens‘ or plat­forms with toxic content.

We can also be rea­ched via e‑mail at but we do not publicly list any e‑mail addres­ses as the­se could be har­ve­s­ted by spam­mers. We have catch-all fil­ters so any address at will work

If you see any mista­kes, bro­ken links, incor­rect infor­ma­ti­on or any­thing inap­pro­pria­te plea­se get in touch!  Vielen Dank.

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