
消息, 故事, 忠告, 任何在美丽的克里特岛上度过的人的提示和技巧

Contact Us

Contact Us

The best way to get in tou­ch is by posting a comment on the relevant arti­cle. If its use­ful to you, it may be use­ful to others.

We no lon­ger main­tain a pre­sen­ce on social media as we don’t want to support 『walled gar­dens』 or pla­tfor­ms with toxic content.

We can also be rea­ched via e‑mail at lovecrete.org but we do not publi­cly list any e‑mail addre­sses as the­se cou­ld be harve­sted by spa­mmers. We have catch-all filters so any addre­ss at lovecrete.org will work

If you see any mista­kes, bro­ken lin­ks, incor­re­ct infor­ma­tion or anything ina­ppro­pria­te plea­se get in tou­ch!  谢谢.
