Logo de la Crète d'amour

Nouvelles, histoires, Conseil, et des conseils pour tous ceux qui passent du temps dans la belle Crète

Contact Us

Contact Us

The best way to get in touch is by post­ing a com­ment on the rele­vant article. If its use­ful to you, it may be use­ful to others.

We no lon­ger main­tain a pre­sence on social media as we don’t want to sup­port “wal­led gar­dens” or plat­forms with toxic content.

We can also be rea­ched via e‑mail at lovecrete.org but we do not publi­cly list any e‑mail addresses as these could be har­ves­ted by spam­mers. We have catch-all fil­ters so any address at lovecrete.org will work

If you see any mis­takes, bro­ken links, incor­rect infor­ma­tion or any­thing inap­pro­priate please get in touch!  Merci.

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