Logotipo da Love Crete

Notícia, histórias, Conselho, e dicas para quem passa um tempo na bela Creta

Artigos Etiquetados: authentic

0Receita autêntica de batatas assadas com limão

The first time I took my futu­re wife to Cre­te she fell in love with the lemon and herb pota­to­es in the oven that are so often ser­ved with lamb or pork chops. Achi­e­ving an authen­tic tas­te at home has taken me many years, but des­pi­te the lack of a wood-fired oven, and the qua­lity of fresh ingre­di­ents avai­la­ble everywhe­re in Cre­te, I have finally mana­ged to find a way to recre­a­te them at home
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