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Thrypti 是 Ierapetra 东北部的一座山,它形成了克里特岛最窄的山脉断裂的东侧. 这是一个轻松的车程,可欣赏到北海岸和南海岸的壮丽景色.

The drive up the side of the valley rea­ches around 500m befo­re tur­ning into the moun­tains. From this van­ta­ge point the­re are pano­ra­mic vie­ws from nor­th to sou­th with both coa­sts in full view – Iera­pe­tra on the left, and Agios Niko­laos in the distan­ce on the rig­ht. Follo­wing the road beyond towar­ds the villa­ge of Thri­pti offers vie­ws back towar­ds the coa­st throu­gh Ha Gor­ge, 可以走一条土路去看更多的哈峡谷.

After Thr­ypti it is possi­ble to con­ti­nue on a cir­cu­lar rou­te by hea­ding towar­ds Oreion whi­ch is an attra­ctive villa­ge in its own rig­ht. The road to Orei­no is a dirt-tra­ck but is not too rou­gh. It rea­ches a hei­g­ht of 990m whi­ch offers great vie­ws, and often provi­des oppor­tu­ni­ties to see vultu­res. If you want to rea­lly get the best vie­ws the­re is a rig­ht turn whi­ch lea­ds up to the top of the peak whi­ch has a sma­ll bui­lding on top. This vie­wing point is at 1470m. After Orei­no the best road back to the coa­st goes via Kalivi­tis and rea­ches the coa­st at Agios Pan­te­lei­mo­nas not far from Makr­ys Gia­los. The coa­st road west then takes you back to Iera­pe­tra. Alter­na­tive­ly after Orei­no you can follow the same road towar­ds Kavi­li­tis but go via Shi­no­ka­psa­la back to the coa­st at Galini.


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