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0要么 & 普西里阿莫斯海滩

瓦伊海滩是克里特岛最著名的海滩之一, 因周围环绕着棕榈树林而闻名——通常被宣传为欧洲最后的棕榈树林. 海滩本身位于东海岸,与大多数度假村相当隔离,但开车很容易到达,而且也有长途客车前往那里.

Many pictu­res show a beau­ti­ful san­dy bea­ch, however be war­ned that in peak sea­son it will be cove­red in bea­ch umbre­llas and will be very busy. The­re is a lar­ge car park but this is not free so make sure to take some chan­ge if you drive your­se­lf. Par­king on the road is free, but you will need to park some distan­ce away as the sides of the road near the bea­ch have been roped off. When I went in Octo­ber no-one was char­ging at the car park so if you go outsi­de of peak sea­son you shou­ld have no problems.

Once at the bea­ch the­re are faci­li­ties the­re, with some sma­ll outle­ts, a lar­ger cafe, and a restau­rant that between them serve a ran­ge of hot and cold food and drin­ks. Pri­ces aren’t too bad but you are a captive mar­ket so expe­ct to pay 「tou­ri­st pri­ces」. Next to the cafe the­re are ste­ps up to a vie­wing point whi­ch is whe­re the 2 pictu­res above were taken from. The­re is also a path from the vie­wing point that lea­ds to a second 『nudi­st』 bea­ch a cou­ple of hun­dred metres to the south.

Vai海滩咖啡厅和步骤In peak sea­son the­re are also water spor­ts faci­li­ties for thri­llsee­kers, althou­gh many bea­ches offer the­se so it isn’t wor­th trave­lling a long way just for the­se. The water is beau­ti­fu­lly clear as is visi­ble in both pho­tos above, and the sand is finer than on many bea­ches in Cre­te whi­ch does make it appear more like a para­di­se bea­ch than many. The trees provi­de sha­de to the rear of the bea­ch, and if you want sha­de near the water you can opt to pay for an umbre­lla, or if you have room in your sui­tca­se you cou­ld take a pop-up tent (the­re are many options – e.g. this one from ama­zon). In summer mon­ths the sand on the bea­ch will get unco­mfor­ta­bly hot between 11am and 5pm so take some sui­ta­ble footwear.

As men­tio­ned above the­re is actua­lly more than 1 bea­ch near Vai, but only the main bea­ch is imme­dia­te­ly acce­ssi­ble from the road. The second bea­ch is a nudi­st bea­ch called Psi­li Ammos Bea­ch. To rea­ch Psi­li Ammos you need to walk around 500m , star­ting by cli­mbing the ste­ps to the vie­wing point above the cafe/restaurant. The path con­ti­nues sou­th along the top and slo­pes down at the far end. Psi­li Ammos is much quie­ter and so far is unspoi­led. 你可以看到一个 3D视图 of the path in a pho­to on goo­g­le maps and also pho­tos of the ste­ps up and path in the gallery below.

Vai的路标笔直向左显示If you deci­de to drive to Vai your­se­lf bewa­re the con­fu­sing road sig­ns! The­re is an old road and a new road to Vai and the sig­ns have both roa­ds sho­wn as going to Vai! The older road is shor­ter and more sce­nic but slo­wer so if you’re explo­ring this is the rou­te to take, but if you have kids in the back and just want to get to the bea­ch with the mini­mum of twi­sts and tur­ns the new road is the better option. 两者花费的时间大致相同.

The jour­ney to Vai takes around 30 从Sitea到分钟, 1 hour from Makr­ys-Gia­los or Xero­ka­mpos, and around 90–100 minu­tes from Iera­pe­tra or Agios Niko­laos. The roa­ds aren’t too busy even in peak sea­son and are of good qua­li­ty, but some rou­tes can have a lot of twi­sts and tur­ns at times.

A trip to Vai can be combi­ned with a visit to Toplou mona­stery, Sitea, or the bea­ches at Ita­nos. If you are trave­lling from the sou­th coa­st a visit cou­ld be combi­ned with a visit to Xero­ka­mpos or Zakros on the sou­th-east, and the­re is a Vene­tian Villa at Etia. If you are trave­lling from the nor­th coa­st Richtis Gor­ge is ano­ther possi­ble stop off althou­gh Richtis gor­ge deman­ds at lea­st half a day itse­lf. Doing any of the­se addi­tio­nal visi­ts will make the trip into a full-day event.




For more infor­ma­tion and opi­nions, we reco­mmend loo­king at the Vai bea­ch page on Trip Advisor
