Posts Categorised: Gezi & Aktiviteler

0Ostria, Thalassa & Paplinou Plajları

Pap­li­nou Beach is a beach on the south east coast a litt­le to the east of Iera­pet­ra. The wes­tern end of the beach is for visi­tors and is offi­ci­ally kno­wn as Tha­las­sa after the beach bar loca­ted the­re (not to be con­fu­sed with the resort near Cha­nia), whilst the eas­tern end is for peop­le booked at the resort and is usu­ally refer­red to as Ost­ria beach. The beach is long and the water is excel­lent and the­re is plenty of off-road par­king available.
Makalenin Tamamını Oku

0Balos Lagünü

Balos Lago­on is one of the most famed beac­hes on Cre­te with it’s west coast loca­ti­on offe­ring gre­at sun­sets. It is loca­ted off the penin­su­la at the north west of the Island a litt­le over an hour from Cha­nia near the Gram­vo­usa islands which often featu­re on boat trips to Balos.
Makalenin Tamamını Oku

0Achlia Körfezi Plajı

Ach­lia Bay is a beach in the south east of Cre­te app­ro­xi­ma­tely half way bet­we­en Iera­pet­ra and Makrys Gialos. It is one of the best beac­hes on the south coast, espe­ci­ally on windy days when the sha­pe of the bay pro­vi­des shel­ter on the beach and in the water.
Makalenin Tamamını Oku

0Plajdan en iyi şekilde yararlanmak

Most peop­le visi­ting Cre­te for a holi­day will be plan­ning to visit the beach. The­re isn­’t much needed for a quick dip in the sea other than swi­m­we­ar and a towel, but the­re are other things you might want to think abo­ut taking to enhan­ce the expe­ri­en­ce, espe­ci­ally if you plan to spend lots of time on the beach
Makalenin Tamamını Oku

0Tekne turları & çevreleyen adacıklar

Cre­te has nearly 100 smal­ler islands sur­ro­un­ding it and many of the­se can be visi­ted with regu­lar boat trips or with a pri­va­te hire. Some of the islands are pro­tec­ted nati­onal parks (cal­led Kri-kri) tho­ugh and can­’t or sho­uld­n­’t be visi­ted. Many of the les­ser kno­wn islets are also hard to iden­tify with even goog­le maps not sho­wing names. Whilst we may have some sepa­ra­te pages for the most popu­lar islands to visit, here we sum­ma­ri­se deta­ils for all the islands for tho­se peop­le who like to exp­lo­re a bit furt­her from the beaten track
Makalenin Tamamını Oku