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0Receitas para mezze caseiro & mergulhos

A lot of clas­sic Cre­tan foods can now be bought in the super­mar­ket back home, but they’­re not qui­te the same. Making them your­self can make all the dif­fe­ren­ce, espe­ci­ally if you can find good fresh ingre­di­ents. Here are a few mez­ze dishes that I’ve lear­ned reci­pes for over the years.

All of the­se can be ser­ved as meze (don’t for­get a Gre­ek salad) and seve­ral of them can be ser­ved as a full meal. Each ima­ge links to a full reci­pe on our sis­ter site Open-Sau­ce-Reci­pes

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