
消息, 故事, 忠告, 任何在美丽的克里特岛上度过的人的提示和技巧


Achlia Bay 是克里特岛东南部的一个海滩,大约在 Ierapetra 和 Makrys Gialos 之间. 它是南海岸最好的海滩之一, 特别是在刮风的日子里,海湾的形状为海滩和水中提供了庇护所.

It is possi­ble to stay in the villa­ge of Achlia but it is sma­ll and has limi­ted restau­ran­ts and sho­ps so inde­pen­dent tran­sport (e.g. 租车) is reco­mmen­ded. To visit from Iera­pe­tra or Makr­ys Gia­los will also requi­re tran­sport. The bea­ch is acce­ssed on a blue and red bri­ck-paved road imme­dia­te­ly off the main road along the sou­th coa­st. The­re is a sma­ll grey sign when coming from Iera­pe­tra but it is easy to miss. The­re is also a blue sign for 「Kan­ti­na」. Goo­g­le Maps does have the bea­ch accu­ra­te­ly loca­ted as 「Para­lia Achlia」.

The­re is a bar/taverna that serves a ran­ge of food and drink and has toi­let faci­li­ties, and the­re are also sho­wers on the bea­ch so you can wash the salt off after swi­mming. The­re are also sun­be­ds and para­so­ls on the eastern half of the bea­ch for tho­se that want them but the­re is also plen­ty of empty sand for tho­se that pre­fer the free option. The sand is soft enou­gh if not qui­te fine and golden and the water is usua­lly very clear and ideal for snor­ke­lling. It is easy to get in as the coar­se sand con­ti­nues well into the water so the­re are no rocks or lar­ge pebbles to hurt your feet. The sides of the bay are rocky whi­ch provi­des habi­tat for more sea life than many bea­ches so snor­ke­lling is very good.

One thing to watch for out of the peak of summer are anno­ying inse­cts (e.g. 苍蝇). The she­lte­red bay offers she­lter for them too and if the tempe­ra­tu­res are only in the high 20’s (e.g. in Spring and Autu­mn) they can be qui­te a nuisance.

The­re are water spor­ts options that go out beyond the bay, leaving the bay itse­lf safe for swi­mming. The­re are also some bea­ch-spor­ts set up that are often in use by loca­ls that I believe are free to use if you bring a ball.

The­re is par­king on the side of the bri­ck road but it is best to get the passen­gers to get out fir­st and then park qui­te tig­htly to the wall. As the slo­pe is qui­te steep I reco­mmend leaving the car in gear rather than just relying on the han­dbra­ke. When you are rea­dy to leave you can follow the road down to the bottom and then back up whe­re it will rejoin the main road.


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