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0奥斯特里亚, 塔拉萨 & 帕普利诺海滩

Paplinou 海滩是东南海岸的一个海滩,位于 Ierapetra 以东一点. 海滩的西端供游客使用,在那里的海滩酒吧之后正式称为 Thalassa (不要与哈尼亚附近的度假村混淆), 而东端则供在度假村预订的人使用,通常被称为 Ostria 海滩. 海滩很长,水很好,有很多越野停车位.

The eastern end of the bea­ch has water­spor­ts but the­se are asso­cia­ted with the resort and mig­ht not be avai­la­ble to gue­sts, 我从未问过,所以不确定. The bea­ch itse­lf is free but you can use the faci­li­ties (poo­ls, sun­be­ds, 等等) 如果您在酒吧花费5欧元 (pri­ce as of 2020). 有 2 brea­kwa­ters bui­lt a short way out into the sea that pro­te­ct the bea­ch and help keep the water calm and warm.

The bea­ch has rea­so­na­ble soft sand, althou­gh as with much of Cre­te is is coar­se sand rather than fine golden sand. This is good for water qua­li­ty as the coar­ser sand isn’t so easi­ly distur­bed by cur­ren­ts so the water is usua­lly very clear. The snor­ke­lling is qui­te good althou­gh as san­ds have shi­fted over the years and cove­red some of the natu­ral rock outcro­ps the amount of sea life has redu­ced but the last 2–3 years have seen the start of a recovery. In addi­tion to nume­rous fish I have seen eels, octo­pus, and a lion­fi­sh once.

The poo­ls are qui­te good althou­gh as they are unhea­ted when it is win­dy they can get qui­te cool, 即使在仲夏. The­re is a baby pool that is only around 2ft (60厘米) deep with a giant stru­ctu­re in the middle with sli­des coming from it that young chi­ldren seem to love, althou­gh for the youn­ger ones you will of cour­se have to supe­rvi­se. Note that whi­lst the­re are sta­ff pre­sent the­re don’t appear to be any expli­cit lifeguards.

Ostria Bea­ch resort is only 10–15 minu­tes drive from Iera­pe­tra, 周围 40 minu­tes from Makr­ys Gia­los, 或者 30 minu­tes from Myr­tos. When approa­ching from the west look for the sign and entran­ce for the resort, when approa­ching from the east go past the main sign and then take the next entrance.

帕普利努 / 塔拉萨 / 奥斯特里亚海滩照片廊
