
消息, 故事, 忠告, 任何在美丽的克里特岛上度过的人的提示和技巧


大多数来克里特岛度假的人都会计划去海滩. 除了泳衣和毛巾外,在海中快速畅游并不需要太多, 但是您可能还需要考虑采取其他一些措施来增强体验, 特别是如果你打算在海滩上度过很多时间


After an hour on the bea­ch, or an acci­den­tal mou­thful of sea­wa­ter I’m alwa­ys rea­dy for some cold fre­sh water. In typi­cal Cre­tan summer tempe­ra­tu­res it’s also impor­tant for your hea­lth to hydra­te regu­lar­ly. For the most refre­shing water we put put a half-full 2 litre bottle of water in the free­zer over­ni­g­ht slo­ped sli­g­htly upward (rest it on some­thing) 所以脖子很清楚. 第二天从一个新瓶子加满, 然后把新的, 现在半满, bottle in the free­zer in pla­ce of the one you just removed. 您刚取下的那个现在是一半冰和一半水. By the time you’ve trave­lled to the bea­ch and have had a bathe or a laze for a few minu­tes most of the ice will have melted and the water will be ice-cold.

风镜, 面具 & 呼吸管

The water on Cre­te is beau­ti­fu­lly clean and clear so snor­ke­lling and diving are hig­hly reco­mmen­ded. If you only have gog­g­les the­se add plen­ty of fun, but a full snor­kel, 面具, and fli­ppers is even better. I reco­mmend taking some cheap too­thpa­ste to clean the insi­de of your mask to prevent it stea­ming up.

桶 & 铲

If you have kids a bucket and spa­de are essen­tial, but even adu­lts can have fun – maybe you want to dig a big hole and bury your mate in it for a fun­ny pho­to. The bucket will also prove use­ful if you want to try your hand at catching any sea crea­tu­res but reme­mber to put them back afterwards.

面包 & 网

如果你想看 (和或抓住) 最好的事情就是随身带些旧面包. Chu­ck a little into the sea and the­re will soon be a lar­ge number of fish enjo­ying it. 如果您想一网打尽,那就需要一张网, but the­y’re usua­lly faster than you, so without the bread you’re unli­ke­ly to have much succe­ss. Some bea­ches have rock poo­ls whe­re you can catch little fish, snai­ls, shri­mp, and baby cra­bs but you shou­ld put them back very soon – a sma­ll bucket of water will very qui­ckly warm up and your catches will die in minu­tes in the over­hea­ted (and deo­xy­ge­na­ted) 水.


You mig­ht alrea­dy have a came­ra or pho­ne with came­ra that you take to the bea­ch, but a water­proof action cam (像围棋专家) 更安全,也可以和你一起去海里. The­re are plen­ty of little 4k action cams onli­ne for a lot less than a GoPro.


If you like to spend a few hours rela­xing on the bea­ch then it is nice to be able to sit. Some bea­ches have sun­be­ds but you usua­lly have to pay for the­se, and many of the nice­st bea­ches are off-the-bea­ten-tra­ck and so don’t have any faci­li­ties. A little camp chair or stool makes it much easier and nicer to sit on the bea­ch whi­lst rea­ding a book or liste­ning to a podcast.

Beach 『mat』

Simi­lar to a camp chair, a padded bea­ch mat is much nicer to lie on than a towel, and also frees up your towel for use as a pillow whi­lst sun­ba­thing and reading.


We fir­st took a pop-up tent to Cre­te when we took my elde­st chi­ld, 仅仅是一个 6 wee­ks old at the time! It was essen­tial that she was fully pro­te­cted from the UV, and also that her mother had some priva­cy for fee­ding her. The tent proved immen­se­ly use­ful not just for chi­ld pro­te­ction but also as a spa­ce to keep keys, pho­nes, boo­ks, 水, 等在阳光下, 狂风, and out of the way of any blo­wing sand. Ours is only about 1m squa­re and just over 1m high, but it twi­sts to fold up into a bag and beco­mes the size of a sma­ll-ish bicycle wheel. This means it can just about be squee­zed into a lar­ge suitcase.


Water-safe shoes are rea­lly use­ful for 2 rea­sons. Fir­stly becau­se the sand on most bea­ches will be hot enou­gh to burn your feet for most of the day in summer, so some foo­twear is essen­tial. Whi­lst san­da­ls and flip-flo­ps do a per­fe­ctly good job on the bea­ch, it is rea­lly han­dy being able to keep your shoes on when you rea­ch the water, espe­cia­lly if the ground is rocky under the sea as many of the clea­re­st bea­ches are. Water shoes will also pro­te­ct you from acci­den­ta­lly ste­pping on an ane­mo­ne whi­ch can be painful.


A lilo is nice to float lazi­ly on if the sea is calm, but don’t dri­ft off and dri­ft away! It can also be a lot of fun to battle over with frien­ds – tipping each other off. Don’t make the mista­ke of lying on it on the bea­ch thou­gh as you are almo­st cer­tain to pun­ctu­re it.

飞盘, 蝙蝠 & 球套

No matter who you’re at the bea­ch with, once the most inten­se heat has dro­pped off in the later after­noon it’s great to be able to play some games on the bea­ch. The­re are lots of types of water-proof balls and fri­zbees that float that can be thro­wn around or a bat and ball set.

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