Logotipo da Love Crete

Notícia, histórias, Conselho, e dicas para quem passa um tempo na bela Creta

Postagens categorizadas: Island Guides

0Kos — A mini guide

Cre­te may be the big­gest (and the most visi­ted) Gre­ek island but the­re are over 200 other inha­bi­ted Gre­ek islands many of whi­ch also have inte­res­ting things to see. Many can be easily rea­ched by fer­ry or short flight and can be visi­ted either on their own or for a short peri­od as part of a “holi­day on holi­day” or as part of a tour of mul­ti­ple islands. This is the first in a seri­es of mini-gui­des to some other the other islands
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