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0Itanos & 埃里穆波利斯海滩

Itanos 海滩位于克里特岛的最东北部,在 Sitea 之外. Itanos 实际上是 3 海滩,也是与古镇遗址相同的位置 伊塔诺斯. Itanos 位于 Vai 繁忙得多的棕榈滩以北.

Ita­nos usua­lly has a number of peo­ple the­re but it doe­sn’t get espe­cia­lly busy so it’s per­fe­ct for peo­ple who like a pea­ce­ful bea­ch. 马路, and the infor­mal car­park at the end of it, 导致中间 3 bea­ches whi­ch is the sma­lle­st, whi­ch is bare­ly a bea­ch at all rea­lly. The lar­ge­st bea­ch, also kno­wn as Eri­mou­po­lis bea­ch is imme­dia­te­ly to the nor­th of the cen­tral bea­ch and is the most popu­lar. The sou­thern bea­ch is a short 250m walk, 越过古镇的废墟. Unli­ke a lot of bea­ches on Cre­te, 所有 3 bea­ches at Ita­nos are san­dy, and the water is beau­ti­fu­lly clear. The­re are pictu­res of all 3 在画廊

I had read in seve­ral pla­ces that the ruins of the ancient port are visi­ble under­wa­ter at Ita­nos so I took a snor­kel and mask and swam around qui­te a bit loo­king but fai­led to find anything much. The only indi­ca­tion of any ancient human pre­sen­ce in the bay are a number of rectan­gu­lar sha­ped sla­bs of sto­ne but you will need to do the rest with your ima­gi­na­tion. The ruins on land are however more inte­re­sting. Whi­lst they don’t compa­re to some­whe­re like Kno­ssos they have been left alo­ne una­lte­red unli­ke Knossos

The over­head maps make it look like the nor­th bea­ch can be easi­ly acce­ssed from the road just nor­th-west of it, but the road the­re is cut into the side of a hill and is qui­te a bit hig­her than the bea­ch so it wou­ld be diffi­cu­lt to get to the bea­ch from here, it is much better to drive to the infor­mal car­park by the cen­tral bea­ch and do the short walk

The­re are no faci­li­ties at the bea­ch and no water­spor­ts or activi­ties on offer so if you need toi­le­ts or food you will have to travel to acce­ss them. The nea­re­st pla­ce with faci­li­ties is Vai bea­ch 2.5km to the south.

Itanos海滩画廊 & 废墟

步行到埃里穆波利斯的地图 (伊塔诺斯北部) 海滩

Ita­nos sou­th bea­ch is a simi­lar leng­th walk but goo­g­le maps doe­sn’t reco­g­ni­se the paths so it isn’t sho­wn below. If you move the map sli­g­htly you will see the sou­th bea­ch – the walk is almo­st a mir­ror of the walk to the north


I revie­wed Ita­nos on Tri­pA­dvi­sor 早在 2014 and the­re are plen­ty more infor­ma­tive revie­ws there.
