在克里特岛东部山区从 Makrys Gialos 到 Sitia 的路上,有一座古老的威尼斯别墅,对于开车到东海岸的任何人来说都值得停下来.
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乘船游览 & 周围的小岛
克里特岛几乎 100 周围较小的岛屿,其中许多岛屿可以定期乘船游览或私人租用. 一些岛屿是受保护的国家公园 (叫做Kri-kri) 虽然不能或不应该被访问. 许多鲜为人知的小岛甚至连谷歌地图都没有显示名称也很难识别. 虽然我们可能有一些单独的页面供最受欢迎的岛屿访问, 在这里,我们为那些喜欢远离人迹罕至的地方探索的人总结了所有岛屿的详细信息
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Crete in 1964
The Internet is great for turning up old forgotten content, and this is a particularly great example – a British Pathe video of Crete from 1964. The most striking thing is how much remains the same, especially when visiting outside of the peak season.
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A new tourism promotional video for Crete grabbed our attention a few days ago. 满满的 5 minutes long, with professional production, and authentic scenes. If you’re stuck at home and want a little piece of Crete in your living room, 看起来不再.
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