0Evet Venedik Evi

In the moun­ta­ins of eas­tern Cre­te on the road from Makrys Gialos to Sitia the­re is an old Vene­ti­an vil­la that is worth a stop off for anyo­ne dri­ving to the east coast.

The good news is that the vil­la can easily be clim­bed at the rear and the views from the roof are lovely. The taver­na also has some lovely and well cared for flo­wers aro­und it that are a mag­net for but­terf­li­es. And lastly the nearby church offers nice pho­to oppor­tu­ni­ti­es aga­inst the stri­king background.

Ove­rall I would­n­’t make a spe­ci­al trip to visit the vil­la, but if you are dri­ving from Iera­pet­ra or Makrys Gialos to Sitia or any­w­he­re on the east coast (Örneğin. Xero­kam­bos, Zak­ros, veya Vai) it is well worth stop­ping off at

Villanın çatısına nasıl çıkılır

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