要游览克里特岛的大部分地区,您可能需要汽车或其他交通工具才能四处走动. 克里特岛有公共汽车和出租车,但私家车会更快, 更舒服, 并且比出租车更划算. 也可以自驾, 或租用其他车辆.
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Crete has a number of airports, but the majority of travellers will arrive at either Chania or (more likely) Heraklion. Heraklion Airport is a mixed civilian military facility that is trapped between the sea, the mountains, 和城市, 留下一点扩展空间. It has been clear for a long time that a new airport was needed and plans have focused on a former military base in the mountains near Kastelli.
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