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Most peop­le visi­ting Cre­te for a holi­day will be plan­ning to visit the beach. The­re isn­’t much needed for a quick dip in the sea other than swi­m­we­ar and a towel, but the­re are other things you might want to think abo­ut taking to enhan­ce the expe­ri­en­ce, espe­ci­ally if you plan to spend lots of time on the beach

Buzlu su

Sahilde bir saat sonra, or an acci­den­tal mouth­ful of seawa­ter I’m always ready for some cold fresh water. In typi­cal Cre­tan sum­mer tem­pe­ra­tu­res it’s also impor­tant for your health to hyd­ra­te regu­larly. For the most ref­res­hing water we put put a half-full 2 lit­re bott­le of water in the fre­ezer over­night slo­ped slightly upward (rest it on somet­hing) so the neck is cle­ar. The next day top it up to full from a new bott­le, ve sonra yeni, ve şimdi yarı dolu, bott­le in the fre­ezer in pla­ce of the one you just remo­ved. The one you just remo­ved is now half-ice and half water. By the time you’­ve tra­vel­led to the beach and have had a bat­he or a laze for a few minu­tes most of the ice will have mel­ted and the water will be ice-cold.

Gözlük, maskelemek & Şnorkel

The water on Cre­te is bea­uti­fully cle­an and cle­ar so snor­kel­ling and diving are highly recom­men­ded. If you only have gogg­les the­se add plenty of fun, but a full snor­kel, maskelemek, and flip­pers is even bet­ter. I recom­mend taking some che­ap tooth­pas­te to cle­an the insi­de of your mask to pre­vent it ste­aming up.

Kova & kürek

If you have kids a buc­ket and spa­de are essen­ti­al, but even adults can have fun — may­be you want to dig a big hole and bury your mate in it for a funny pho­to. The buc­ket will also pro­ve use­ful if you want to try your hand at catc­hing any sea cre­atu­res but remem­ber to put them back afterwards.

Ekmek & bir ağ

Eğer görmek istiyorsan (ve / veya yakala) anyt­hing the best thing to do is take a bit of old bre­ad with you. Chuck a litt­le into the sea and the­re will soon be a lar­ge num­ber of fish enjo­ying it. If you want to have a go at catc­hing any then you’ll need a net, but the­y­’­re usu­ally fas­ter than you, so wit­ho­ut the bre­ad you’­re unli­kely to have much suc­cess. Some beac­hes have rock pools whe­re you can catch litt­le fish, sna­ils, karides, and baby crabs but you sho­uld put them back very soon — a small buc­ket of water will very quickly warm up and your catc­hes will die in minu­tes in the over­he­ated (and deoxy­ge­na­ted) Su.

Su geçirmez kamera

You might alre­ady have a came­ra or pho­ne with came­ra that you take to the beach, but a waterp­ro­of acti­on cam (tıpkı bir profesyonel gibi) çok daha güvenli ve seninle denize gidebilir. The­re are plenty of litt­le 4k acti­on cams onli­ne for a lot less than a GoPro.

Kamp sandalyesi

If you like to spend a few hours rela­xing on the beach then it is nice to be able to sit. Some beac­hes have sun­beds but you usu­ally have to pay for the­se, and many of the nicest beac­hes are off-the-beaten-track and so don­’t have any faci­li­ti­es. A litt­le camp cha­ir or sto­ol makes it much easi­er and nicer to sit on the beach whilst reading a book or lis­te­ning to a podcast.

Beach ‘mat’

Simi­lar to a camp cha­ir, a pad­ded beach mat is much nicer to lie on than a towel, and also fre­es up your towel for use as a pil­low whilst sun­bat­hing and reading.

Açılır çadır

We first took a pop-up tent to Cre­te when we took my eldest child, sadece kimdi 6 o zamanki haftalar! It was essen­ti­al that she was fully pro­tec­ted from the UV, and also that her mot­her had some pri­vacy for feeding her. The tent pro­ved immen­sely use­ful not just for child pro­tec­ti­on but also as a spa­ce to keep keys, pho­nes, kitabın, Su, vs güneşten, rüzgarın dışında, and out of the way of any blo­wing sand. Ours is only abo­ut 1m squ­are and just over 1m high, but it twists to fold up into a bag and beco­mes the size of a small-ish bicyc­le whe­el. This means it can just abo­ut be squ­e­ezed into a lar­ge suitcase.

Su ayakkabıları

Water-safe sho­es are really use­ful for 2 nedenleri. Firstly beca­use the sand on most beac­hes will be hot eno­ugh to burn your feet for most of the day in sum­mer, so some foot­we­ar is essen­ti­al. Whilst san­dals and flip-flops do a per­fectly good job on the beach, it is really handy being able to keep your sho­es on when you reach the water, espe­ci­ally if the gro­und is rocky under the sea as many of the cle­arest beac­hes are. Water sho­es will also pro­tect you from acci­den­tally step­ping on an ane­mo­ne which can be painful.


A lilo is nice to flo­at lazily on if the sea is calm, but don­’t drift off and drift away! It can also be a lot of fun to batt­le over with fri­ends — tip­ping each other off. Don­’t make the mis­ta­ke of lying on it on the beach tho­ugh as you are almost cer­ta­in to punc­tu­re it.

Frizbi, yarasa & top seti

No mat­ter who you’­re at the beach with, once the most inten­se heat has drop­ped off in the later after­no­on it’s gre­at to be able to play some games on the beach. The­re are lots of types of water-pro­of balls and friz­be­es that flo­at that can be thro­wn aro­und or a bat and ball set.

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