0Kalamafka & Timios Stavros Şapeli

Kala­maf­ka is an att­rac­ti­ve vil­la­ge in the moun­ta­ins near Iera­pet­ra in south-east Cre­te. Timi­os Stav­ros Cha­pel which is on top of Kas­te­los Hill is one of the reasons to visit. The­re is a bit of a climb, yukarı 224 adımlar, ama manzara çabaya değer.
Makalenin Tamamını Oku

0Crete in 1964

The Inter­net is gre­at for tur­ning up old for­got­ten con­tent, and this is a par­ti­cu­larly gre­at examp­le — a Bri­tish Pat­he video of Cre­te from 1964. The most stri­king thing is how much rema­ins the same, espe­ci­ally when visi­ting out­si­de of the peak season.
Makalenin Tamamını Oku

0Sarakina Gorge in South East Crete

Sara­ki­na Gor­ge (or Can­yon) is a gor­ge in south-east Cre­te abo­ut 25 minu­tes dri­ve from Iera­pet­ra. The gor­ge starts near the vil­la­ge of Males, and sna­kes south to the sea just east of the vil­la­ge of Myrtos
Makalenin Tamamını Oku