Posts Tagged: yüzmek

0Achlia Körfezi Plajı

Ach­lia Bay is a beach in the south east of Cre­te app­ro­xi­ma­tely half way bet­we­en Iera­pet­ra and Makrys Gialos. It is one of the best beac­hes on the south coast, espe­ci­ally on windy days when the sha­pe of the bay pro­vi­des shel­ter on the beach and in the water.
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0Plajdan en iyi şekilde yararlanmak

Most peop­le visi­ting Cre­te for a holi­day will be plan­ning to visit the beach. The­re isn­’t much needed for a quick dip in the sea other than swi­m­we­ar and a towel, but the­re are other things you might want to think abo­ut taking to enhan­ce the expe­ri­en­ce, espe­ci­ally if you plan to spend lots of time on the beach
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0Tekne turları & çevreleyen adacıklar

Cre­te has nearly 100 smal­ler islands sur­ro­un­ding it and many of the­se can be visi­ted with regu­lar boat trips or with a pri­va­te hire. Some of the islands are pro­tec­ted nati­onal parks (cal­led Kri-kri) tho­ugh and can­’t or sho­uld­n­’t be visi­ted. Many of the les­ser kno­wn islets are also hard to iden­tify with even goog­le maps not sho­wing names. Whilst we may have some sepa­ra­te pages for the most popu­lar islands to visit, here we sum­ma­ri­se deta­ils for all the islands for tho­se peop­le who like to exp­lo­re a bit furt­her from the beaten track
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0Veya & Psili Ammos plajları

Vai plajı, Girit'teki en iyi bilinen plajlardan biridir., genellikle Avrupa'nın son palmiye ormanı olarak pazarlanan palmiye ağaçlarıyla çevrili bir ormanla çevrili olmasıyla ünlüdür. Plajın kendisi doğu kıyısındadır ve çoğu tatil beldesinden oldukça izoledir, ancak araba ile ulaşmak kolaydır ve orada otobüs gezileri de vardır..
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0Sarakina Gorge Güney Doğu Girit'te

Sara­ki­na Gor­ge (or Can­yon) is a gor­ge in south-east Cre­te abo­ut 25 minu­tes dri­ve from Iera­pet­ra. The gor­ge starts near the vil­la­ge of Males, and sna­kes south to the sea just east of the vil­la­ge of Myrtos
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