0Girit için modern yeni havaalanı

Cre­te has a num­ber of air­ports, but the majo­rity of tra­vel­lers will arri­ve at eit­her Cha­nia or (büyük olasılıkla) Herak­li­on. Herak­li­on Air­port is a mixed civi­li­an mili­tary faci­lity that is trap­ped bet­we­en the sea, the moun­ta­ins, ve şehir, leaving it litt­le room to expand. It has been cle­ar for a long time that a new air­port was needed and plans have focu­sed on a for­mer mili­tary base in the moun­ta­ins near Kastelli.
Makalenin Tamamını Oku

0Ev yapımı mezze tarifleri & dipler

Pek çok klasik Girit yemeği artık evdeki süpermarketten satın alınabilir., ama tamamen aynı değiller. Onları kendiniz yapmak tüm farkı yaratabilir, özellikle iyi taze malzemeler bulabilirseniz. İşte yıllardır tariflerini öğrendiğim birkaç meze yemeği.
Makalenin Tamamını Oku

0Limon kızartma patatesleri için otantik tarif

The first time I took my futu­re wife to Cre­te she fell in love with the lemon and herb pota­to­es in the oven that are so often ser­ved with lamb or pork chops. Achi­eving an aut­hen­tic tas­te at home has taken me many years, but des­pi­te the lack of a wood-fired oven, and the quality of fresh ing­re­di­ents ava­ilab­le ever­y­w­he­re in Cre­te, I have finally mana­ged to find a way to rec­re­ate them at home
Makalenin Tamamını Oku

0Crete in 1964

The Inter­net is gre­at for tur­ning up old for­got­ten con­tent, and this is a par­ti­cu­larly gre­at examp­le — a Bri­tish Pat­he video of Cre­te from 1964. The most stri­king thing is how much rema­ins the same, espe­ci­ally when visi­ting out­si­de of the peak season.
Makalenin Tamamını Oku

0Girit'in etkileyici yeni videosu

A new tourism pro­mo­ti­onal video for Cre­te grab­bed our atten­ti­on a few days ago. Dolu 5 minu­tes long, with pro­fes­si­onal pro­duc­ti­on, and aut­hen­tic sce­nes. If you’­re stuck at home and want a litt­le piece of Cre­te in your living room, başka yerde arama.
Makalenin Tamamını Oku

0Sarakina Gorge in South East Crete

Sara­ki­na Gor­ge (or Can­yon) is a gor­ge in south-east Cre­te abo­ut 25 minu­tes dri­ve from Iera­pet­ra. The gor­ge starts near the vil­la­ge of Males, and sna­kes south to the sea just east of the vil­la­ge of Myrtos
Makalenin Tamamını Oku