0Girit için modern yeni havaalanı

Cre­te has a num­ber of air­ports, but the majo­rity of tra­vel­lers will arri­ve at eit­her Cha­nia or (büyük olasılıkla) Herak­li­on. Herak­li­on Air­port is a mixed civi­li­an mili­tary faci­lity that is trap­ped bet­we­en the sea, the moun­ta­ins, ve şehir, leaving it litt­le room to expand. It has been cle­ar for a long time that a new air­port was needed and plans have focu­sed on a for­mer mili­tary base in the moun­ta­ins near Kastelli.

Work finally star­ted in Febu­rary just befo­re the Covid-19 pan­de­mic took over glo­bal news. Ini­ti­ally the plan was for the air­port to be ope­ra­ting wit­hin 5 years (Erkenden 2025 veya daha erken) and work on the road link has also star­ted, with a 17km upg­ra­de lin­king to the exis­ting nati­onal road near Her­son­ni­sos which will make for con­ve­ni­ent trans­fers from the new air­port to the resorts on the north coast bet­we­en Malia and Heraklion.

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