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0科斯岛 – 迷你指南

克里特岛可能是最大的 (和访问量最大的) 希腊岛屿但有超过 200 其他有人居住的希腊岛屿,其中许多也有有趣的东西可看. 许多岛屿都可以通过渡轮或短途航班轻松抵达,可以单独游览,也可以作为“假期”的一部分或作为多岛旅游的一部分进行短期游览. 这是其他一些岛屿迷你指南系列中的第一篇

Kos is one of the lar­ge­st islan­ds in the Dode­ca­ne­se islan­ds, a sou­thern group near the Tur­ki­sh coa­st. Kos has it’s own inter­na­tio­nal air­port whi­ch means it can be rea­ched dire­ctly by fli­g­ht from the UK and acro­ss the EU. Kos has been inha­bi­ted for thou­san­ds of years so offers plen­ty for tho­se who like history.

The main town on Kos is Kos Town whi­ch is comfor­ta­bly the big­ge­st. 有 4 other tou­ri­st 『towns』 around the coa­st: Kar­da­mai­na; Kefa­los; Mar­ma­ri; and Tiga­ki. Much of the nor­thern coa­stli­ne has gen­tle san­dy bea­ches but the wind comes from the nor­th so the­se can be win­dy and a bit wavy. Much of the sou­th coa­st is ina­ce­ssi­ble but the acce­ssi­ble par­ts offer some inte­re­sting and she­lte­red bea­ches. Inland the­re are also a han­dful of lar­ge villages/small towns: anti­ma­chia; pyli; zia; and zipa­ri. Most tou­ri­sts stay around Kos town, Kefa­los, or Kar­da­mai­na and all of the­se have plen­ty of pla­ces to eat and drink.

Kos is home to a number of wine­ries and cra­ft ales are avai­la­ble so drin­kers have lots of good options. We found many pla­ces char­ged around E4 for a sma­ll beer and as much as E11 for a cocktail but we also found pla­ces selling a lar­ge beer for E2.50. Food pri­ces ran­ged from around E3.50 for a basic gyros wrap to around E30 for a decent restau­rant main cour­se whi­ch is fair­ly typi­cal for Gree­ce in 2023. In Cre­te and in main­land Gree­ce we’ve usua­lly mana­ged to find more hidden chea­per venues serving mostly loca­ls but with Kos being rela­tive­ly sma­ll it see­ms that most pla­ces have been 『discove­red』. Ove­ra­ll we had good and very good food at a decent pri­ce. We found the peo­ple frien­dly and typi­ca­lly Greek and we found the roa­ds rela­tive­ly quiet and strai­g­ht-for­ward to navi­ga­te. Below are very brief 『revie­ws』 of the sites we visited.

Thermal springs

The­se are easy to get to if you have powe­red tran­sport or a bike. Goo­g­le navi­ga­tion kno­ws the cor­re­ct rou­te whi­ch is helpful. They were sur­pri­sing­ly hot – like a very hot bath – hotter than other ther­mal baths I’ve visi­ted. We went 3 times and each time it was fair­ly busy but not silly. The bea­ch is decent for swi­mming too.

Lake Avdellolimni on Sympetro ridge

The lake (more of a pond) was empty so the­re was no wildli­fe, althou­gh we expe­cted it to be dry by Octo­ber. The road up is only sui­ta­ble for off-road vehi­cles not reco­mmen­ded in typi­cal car. The road back down is paved but has a mili­tary no entry sign pfa­cing down­hi­ll part way down so I wou­ldn’t reco­mmend driving up it and driving throu­gh the sign! The­re was no such sign on the road up so it isn’t clear whe­re you can and can’t go. The­re are moun­tain biking trai­ls, jumps etc so clear­ly some of it can be used / acce­ssed. My advi­ce wou­ld be enjoy the vie­ws, don’t take any pictu­res of anything that cou­ld be mili­tary and you shou­ld be ok.


This was impre­ssive, well wor­th seeing. Don’t stand on the high walls as you get whi­stled at by sta­ff. Goo­g­le takes you to the sta­ff / vehi­cle entran­ce whi­ch is a few hun­dred metres from the nor­mal entran­ce so when you get near to it tru­st the sig­ns. The­re isn’t much sha­de so it cou­ld be pre­tty inten­se in summer but it was fine in Octo­ber. E8 entry, or get the E15 3‑in‑1 card whi­ch is good value as it also gets you into the Roman hou­se and the Archaeo­lo­gi­cal museum.

Castle of kefalos

Sma­ll and not a lot to see but the vie­ws are good. Wor­th visi­ting if you’re passing or in Kefa­los alrea­dy but don’t make a dedi­ca­ted trip.

Ancient theatre

Very little of it to see but the vie­ws are good, as they are from the vie­wing point just a short distan­ce fur­ther along the road so it’s wor­th a visit if you’ve got transport.

Basilica of St. Stefanos

This is wor­th seeing. It was easy to find and park and is free to explo­re. The­re was some nice floor mosaic rem­nan­ts. The bea­ch is san­dy and the swim to Kastri islet is easy too. This is one of (possi­bly the best) bea­ch on Kos for snor­ke­lling as it is easy to get in and out and only a short swim to rocks and Kastri.

Antimachia castle

This was great – whi­lst the­re isn’t a lot of detail left it has a rea­lly impre­ssive sca­le and great vie­ws. 有 2 教堂, one of whi­ch (the sma­ller) is open and has some faded fre­scos on the wall.


This is qui­te sma­ll compa­red to some but it’s wor­th seeing if you’re in Kos town.

Roman house

The Roman hou­se is a nice pla­ce to explo­re expe­cia­lly if you alrea­dy have the 3‑in‑1 E15 ticket. Part of the site is left as ruins but the hou­se itse­lf was rebui­lt and resto­red and now hou­ses some artwork as well as the history.

Dikaios Mountain

The vie­ws are spe­cta­cu­lar but this is not a casual walk. I am not a regu­lar walker but I mana­ged it althou­gh I did need to pau­se for a rest a cou­ple of times. Young chi­ldren and reti­ree aged peo­ple shou­ld pro­ba­bly only atte­mpt this if they are alrea­dy regu­lar hikers. My trave­lling compa­nion is much more of an outdoors type and he actua­lly mana­ged it in fli­pflo­ps althou­gh for most peo­ple this wou­ldn’t be a good idea. For most peo­ple you need to park in the villa­ge of Zia and then walk about 2.4km along a dirt-road. The steep path to the top is then a fur­ther 1.8km to the very top and is well mar­ked with arro­ws and dots pain­ted on rocks. For tho­se with an off-road sui­ta­ble vehi­cle the 2.4km dirt road can be driven with care. I did drive this road in our regu­lar car hire but it was cha­llenging and I wou­ld not reco­mmend it unle­ss you have done a lot of moun­tain dirt road driving in Gree­ce. The­re is a little chur­ch at the top whi­ch I believe is visi­ted by loca­ls on Sundays.


This was big­ger than it fir­st appea­red and was inte­re­sting to explo­re. If you’re in Kos town it’s very easy to acce­ss as it’s in the middle and is sur­roun­ded by pla­ces to see, eat and drink. Note that last entry is 3pm in October.

Nerantzia Castle

This has qui­te impre­ssive sca­le and is wor­th an explo­ra­tion. Like the Ago­ra last entry was 3pm in Octo­ber. The­re are some decent vie­ws of Kos town from some of the hig­her par­ts althou­gh the­re is limi­ted shade.

Archaeological Museum

This was a love­ly little museum. It was nice that it wasn’t too big. I thou­g­ht it was well wor­th the E6 pri­ce (whi­ch for us was effe­ctive­ly E1 as we had the E15 combi­ned ticket). I thou­g­ht it was nice to have info about the geo­g­ra­phy and mytho­lo­gy as well as the archaeo­lo­gy. And the air con­di­tio­ning made it a love­ly respi­te from the heat outside.

Agios theologos beach

This bea­ch is on the far west coa­st and can be rea­ched on pro­per­ly paved road so is acce­ssi­ble to anyo­ne with a vehi­cle. It appears to often be qui­te win­dy so it wou­ld be good for sur­fing and as it faces west it will also like­ly be good for sun­se­ts. We enjo­yed the vie­ws but didn’t swim due to the con­di­tion of the sea.

Camel beach

This was a love­ly quiet bea­ch not too far from Kefa­los. The road down loo­ks exci­ting but was actua­lly no pro­blem – the­re were plen­ty of other hire cars at the bottom, but you can park at the top and walk down if you pre­fer. The rocks out in the sea made for great snor­ke­lling simi­lar to other bea­ches on the sou­th coast.

