
消息, 故事, 忠告, 任何在美丽的克里特岛上度过的人的提示和技巧

文章作者: 乔恩·斯凯夫


Cre­te has a number of air­por­ts, but the majo­ri­ty of trave­llers will arrive at either Cha­nia or (more like­ly) Hera­klion. Hera­klion Air­port is a mixed civi­lian mili­tary faci­li­ty that is tra­pped between the sea, the moun­tains, 和城市, 留下一点扩展空间. It has been clear for a long time that a new air­port was nee­ded and plans have focu­sed on a for­mer mili­tary base in the moun­tains near Kastelli.
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0自制墨西哥菜谱 & 浸

现在可以在家乡的超市购买很多经典的克里特岛食物, 但它们并不完全相同. 自己制作可以让一切变得不同, 尤其是如果你能找到优质的新鲜食材. 这是我多年来学习食谱的一些小菜.
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我第一次带我未来的妻子去克里特岛时,她爱上了烤箱里的柠檬和香草土豆,这些土豆经常与羊排或猪排一起食用. 我花了很多年才在家吃到正宗的味道, 但尽管没有燃木烤箱, 以及克里特岛随处可见的新鲜食材的品质, 我终于找到了一种在家里重新制作它们的方法
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0Crete in 1964

The Inter­net is great for tur­ning up old for­go­tten con­tent, and this is a par­ti­cu­lar­ly great exa­mple – a Bri­ti­sh Pathe video of Cre­te from 1964. The most stri­king thing is how much remains the same, espe­cia­lly when visi­ting outsi­de of the peak season.
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A new tou­ri­sm pro­mo­tio­nal video for Cre­te gra­bbed our atten­tion a few days ago. 满满的 5 minu­tes long, with pro­fe­ssio­nal pro­du­ction, and authen­tic sce­nes. If you’re stu­ck at home and want a little pie­ce of Cre­te in your living room, 看起来不再.
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