Logo de la Crète d'amour

Nouvelles, histoires, Conseil, et des conseils pour tous ceux qui passent du temps dans la belle Crète

About Love Crete

What is Love Crete?

Love Crete is a site dedi­ca­ted to the island of Crete: the people; aliments; culture; sites; and more. We have infor­ma­tion, les photos, maps, etc for visi­tors to Crete.

Who are the people?

The site was desi­gned and crea­ted by Jon Scaife. As the site expands it is like­ly that there will be oppor­tu­ni­ty for other authors to contri­bute. If you are inter­es­ted in contri­bu­ting or guest publi­shing please get in touch (see below)

Contact Us

Please see our contact infor­ma­tion page for a com­pre­hen­sive list of ways to get in touch

Privacy Policy

Please take a look at our pri­va­cy infor­ma­tion page

Copyright Policy

Please take a look at our copy­right infor­ma­tion page

Guest Posts

We wel­come guest posts – pleaseget in touch and let us know what you have in mind.

Comments Policy

Com­ments are open to eve­ryone, no login is requi­red. Some com­ments, inclu­ding those contai­ning links, may be held for mode­ra­tion, please do not resub­mit them. You can get your com­ment auto­ma­ti­cal­ly appro­ved by veri­fying your e‑mail address. Com­ments are sub­ject to mode­ra­tion or remo­val by admi­nis­tra­tors at any time. Whil­st we are not very com­for­table with the idea of any cen­sor­ship this is a fami­ly friend­ly site – please keep com­ments free from any sexual refe­rences, vio­lence & harm rela­ted mate­rial, drug & gam­bling refe­rences, inci­te­ment or dis­cri­mi­na­tion, offen­sive lan­guage or any­thing else which may not be appro­priate for chil­dren. Please note that we use some auto­ma­ted cen­so­ring of some well known offen­sive words and phrases. If you see any that have some­how made their way onto the site, or if you see some­thing incor­rect­ly cen­so­red please let us know. Thanks.

Advertising & Funding

This site is sup­por­ted finan­cial­ly by google adsense, ama­zon affi­liates et viglink affi­liate adver­ti­sing. Adsense adverts are in shown on each page and in the side­bar. Ama­zon and viglink links are shown in green text. We selec­ted these adver­ti­sing plat­forms are they pro­vide rele­vant ads and because we believe they are rela­ti­ve­ly unob­tru­sive. Ama­zon links are also used to pro­vide fur­ther infor­ma­tion and reviews of pro­ducts. Please disable your adblo­cker on our site – to read more about why please read Why Ad Blo­cking is devas­ta­ting to the sites you loveIf you use an adblo­cker you will be nag­ged about it!

If you would like to help sup­port our conti­nued exis­tence please use the pay­pal donate option below. Dona­tions will be used first and fore­most to pay our VPS, DNS, CDN and domain names. Any­thing above and beyond this will be used to source pro­ducts to review or for a beer for the wri­tersThank you for your support.


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