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0Crete in 1964

The Inter­net is great for tur­ning up old for­go­tten con­tent, and this is a par­ti­cu­lar­ly great exa­mple – a Bri­ti­sh Pathe video of Cre­te from 1964. The most stri­king thing is how much remains the same, espe­cia­lly when visi­ting outsi­de of the peak season.


A new tou­ri­sm pro­mo­tio­nal video for Cre­te gra­bbed our atten­tion a few days ago. 满满的 5 minu­tes long, with pro­fe­ssio­nal pro­du­ction, and authen­tic sce­nes. If you’re stu­ck at home and want a little pie­ce of Cre­te in your living room, 看起来不再.