
消息, 故事, 忠告, 任何在美丽的克里特岛上度过的人的提示和技巧

Privacy Policy

Who we are

Plea­se see our gene­ral about us page

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

We don’t colle­ct any per­so­nal data. If you submit a comment some data will be inclu­ded (see below). We do not use any ana­lyti­cs servi­ces. We use goo­g­le adver­ti­sing lin­ks, goo­g­le may use the­se embe­dded ads to colle­ct some data. If you wish to avoid this you will need to use an adblocker.


When visi­tors leave commen­ts on the site we colle­ct the data sho­wn in the commen­ts form, and also the visitor’s IP addre­ss and bro­wser user agent string to help spam detection.

If you upload ima­ges to the websi­te, you shou­ld avoid uploa­ding ima­ges with embe­dded loca­tion data (EXIF GPS) inclu­ded. Visi­tors to the websi­te can down­load and extra­ct any loca­tion data from ima­ges on the website.


If you leave a comment on our site you may opt in to saving your name, email addre­ss and websi­te in coo­kies. The­se are for your conve­nien­ce so that you do not have to fill in your detai­ls again when you leave ano­ther comment. The­se coo­kies will last for one year.

Who we share your data with


Where we send your data

All data (例如. asso­cia­ted with commen­ts) is sto­red on our server whi­ch is loca­ted in the EU.

How long we retain your data

If you leave a comment, the comment and its meta­da­ta are retai­ned inde­fi­ni­te­ly. This is so we can reco­g­ni­se and approve any follow-up commen­ts auto­ma­ti­ca­lly instead of holding them in a mode­ra­tion queue.

What rights you have over your data

If you have an account on this site, or have left commen­ts, you can reque­st to receive an expor­ted file of the per­so­nal data we hold about you, inclu­ding any data you have provi­ded to us. You can also reque­st that we era­se any per­so­nal data we hold about you. This does not inclu­de any data we are obli­ged to keep for admi­ni­stra­tive, legal, or secu­ri­ty purposes.

Any questions

Plea­se get in touch
