About Love Crete

What is Love Crete?

Love Cre­te is a site dedi­ca­ted to the island of Cre­te: the peop­le; Gıda; cul­tu­re; sites; and more. We have infor­ma­ti­on, pho­tos, maps, etc for visi­tors to Crete.

Who are the people?

The site was desig­ned and cre­ated by Jon Sca­ife. As the site expands it is likely that the­re will be oppor­tu­nity for other aut­hors to cont­ri­bu­te. If you are inte­res­ted in cont­ri­bu­ting or guest pub­lis­hing ple­ase get in touch (see below)

Contact Us

Ple­ase see our con­tact infor­ma­ti­on page for a comp­re­hen­si­ve list of ways to get in touch

Privacy Policy

Ple­ase take a look at our pri­vacy infor­ma­ti­on page

Telif Hakkı Politikası

Ple­ase take a look at our copy­right infor­ma­ti­on page

Guest Posts

We wel­co­me guest posts — ple­aseget in touch and let us know what you have in mind.

Comments Policy

Com­ments are open to ever­yo­ne, no login is requ­ired. Some com­ments, inc­lu­ding tho­se con­ta­ining links, may be held for mode­ra­ti­on, ple­ase do not resub­mit them. You can get your com­ment auto­ma­ti­cally app­ro­ved by verif­ying your e‑mail add­ress. Com­ments are sub­ject to mode­ra­ti­on or remo­val by admi­nist­ra­tors at any time. Whilst we are not very com­for­tab­le with the idea of any cen­sors­hip this is a family fri­endly site — ple­ase keep com­ments free from any sexu­al refe­ren­ces, violen­ce & harm rela­ted mate­ri­al, drug & gamb­ling refe­ren­ces, inci­te­ment or disc­ri­mi­na­ti­on, offen­si­ve lan­gu­age or anyt­hing else which may not be app­rop­ri­ate for child­ren. Ple­ase note that we use some auto­ma­ted cen­so­ring of some well kno­wn offen­si­ve words and phra­ses. If you see any that have some­how made the­ir way onto the site, or if you see somet­hing incor­rectly cen­so­red ple­ase let us know. Thanks.

Advertising & Funding

This site is sup­por­ted finan­ci­ally by goog­le adsen­se, ama­zon affi­li­ates ve vig­link affi­li­ate adver­ti­sing. Adsen­se adverts are in sho­wn on each page and in the side­bar. Ama­zon and vig­link links are sho­wn in gre­en text. We selec­ted the­se adver­ti­sing plat­forms are they pro­vi­de rele­vant ads and beca­use we beli­eve they are rela­ti­vely unobt­ru­si­ve. Ama­zon links are also used to pro­vi­de furt­her infor­ma­ti­on and revi­ews of pro­ducts. Ple­ase disab­le your adb­loc­ker on our site — to read more abo­ut why ple­ase read Why Ad Bloc­king is devas­ta­ting to the sites you loveIf you use an adb­loc­ker you will be nag­ged abo­ut it!

If you would like to help sup­port our con­ti­nu­ed exis­ten­ce ple­ase use the pay­pal dona­te opti­on below. Dona­ti­ons will be used first and fore­most to pay our VPS, DNS, CDN and doma­in names. Anyt­hing abo­ve and beyond this will be used to sour­ce pro­ducts to revi­ew or for a beer for the wri­tersThank you for your support.


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