
消息, 故事, 忠告, 任何在美丽的克里特岛上度过的人的提示和技巧


在克里特岛东部山区从 Makrys Gialos 到 Sitia 的路上,有一座古老的威尼斯别墅,对于开车到东海岸的任何人来说都值得停下来.

The good news is that the villa can easi­ly be cli­mbed at the rear and the vie­ws from the roof are love­ly. The taver­na also has some love­ly and well cared for flo­wers around it that are a mag­net for butter­flies. And lastly the near­by chur­ch offers nice pho­to oppor­tu­ni­ties again­st the stri­king background.

Ove­ra­ll I wou­ldn’t make a spe­cial trip to visit the villa, but if you are driving from Iera­pe­tra or Makr­ys Gia­los to Sitia or anywhe­re on the east coa­st (e.g. Xero­ka­mbos, 扎克罗斯, 或Vai) it is well wor­th sto­pping off at



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