0Driving & vehicle rental in Crete

To see much of Crete you are likely to need a car or oth­er vehicle to get around. There are buses and tax­is on Crete but a private vehicle will be faster, more com­fort­able, and more cost effect­ive than tax­is. It is also pos­sible to take your own car, or to hire oth­er vehicles.
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0Recommended holiday packing list

Avoid the stress of pack­ing by hav­ing a pack­ing list ready for any trip. Even if you’re an exper­i­enced trav­el­ler you might spot a few use­ful tips, and for those less exper­i­enced this will hope­fully take the stress out of packing.
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0Boat trips & surrounding islets

Crete has nearly 100 smal­ler islands sur­round­ing it and many of these can be vis­ited with reg­u­lar boat trips or with a private hire. Some of the islands are pro­tec­ted nation­al parks (called Kri-kri) though and can­’t or should­n’t be vis­ited. Many of the less­er known islets are also hard to identi­fy with even google maps not show­ing names. Whilst we may have some sep­ar­ate pages for the most pop­u­lar islands to vis­it, here we sum­mar­ise details for all the islands for those people who like to explore a bit fur­ther from the beaten track
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